The Minneapolis Park Board should be appointed by the city council so that the members have some expertise and are not just there for political reasons.  The park board was once one of the driving reasons that the Minneapolis park system was such a world-class system.  As I look across our park system – I find a great deal to be desired.

Frankly I have observed that over time it appears that the Park Board Commissioners are sometimes more interested in scoring political points than in beautifying our parks and trails system.  If the decision doesn’t involve the repair or maintenance or expansion of something park related or trail related the park board should not be getting involved. It is also fair to question what is the expertise and background of the people on the park board?  We need people who are experts in botany and black top and in irrigation system and drainage and landscape architecture.  We don’t need people who are there purely to hold a political office.  That is why I am asking that a change be made to the Minneapolis Charter allowing the city council to appoint true experts to help oversee the highly important Minneapolis Park Board.